Wednesday 18 May 2016

Handy hints

As my passport is starting to fill up with stamps, I've managed to pick up some handy tips and tricks that have helped save me time, stress and, everyone's favourite, money! I'd thought I'd share a few of them with you to help you with you travels:
  1. Always carry a pen. Seems simple. But its amazing the the amount of time you can save on queues by being able to fill out a form without waiting behind a plane load of people sharing one pen!
  2. Never give your pen away. For reasons above, you don't want to be waiting to get that pen back.
  3. Use booking sites that originate in the country you are travelling to. Most sites have an English option and you they often offer better fares/less fees to what they think are domestic customers.
  4. Always exchange the bulk of your money at your host country. It is wise to have a small amount before you get there (i.e. $50) to cover a taxi but 99% of the time you will get a better exchange rate overseas than at the airport.
  5. Have a camera free day. If you are in one place for more than a day or two, try to spend a day without taking photos. So often we get caught up in trying to get that perfect picture that we actually forget to take the time to stop, relax and really immerse yourself in your surroundings. Plus you'll look less like a tourist and feel more like a local!
  6. this is a big one, and I'll probably do a whole post on packing tips, but for now, here are two.
    1. Gumboots. Gumboots are back in style, easy to clean, can get wet and tend to weigh less than snowboots. Obviously if you're going trekking through the snow they're not the best choice, but if you get caught in a snow shower whilst on the streets of Prague they can come in handy.
    2. Take your crappiest know the undies with the limp elastic or the socks with holes. Wear it, then throw it out. Your suitcase gets lighter and you have less to wash when you return!
So, I hope some these ideas help when you're planning your next trip. Let me know if any of them work for you, or comment with your own ideas too!

Happy travels

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