Wednesday 11 May 2016

What is a Bucket List?

"Bucket list"
A list of activities, experiences or acheivements to complete before you die (kick the bucket).

A lot of people have a bucket list, whether it is a formal list, or just a one or two things that you really want to do/see/experience in life. It might be eating a particular food like snails in France, or seeing a monument like the Leaning Tower of Pisa or doing something crazy like skydiving over the beach. 

Your bucket list might be really long, in which case you might want to leave the most dangerous items on the list til last! Or your bucket list might just have one or two really amazing items to check off! 

Haven't got a bucket list yet? Check out this guide from wikiHow to help get you started. 

All four of us have a a passion for travel, and we each have a bucket list full of things we'd like to see and do before our time is up. Below are just a quick description of who we are and why travel is of interest to us:

Hi guys, I'm James. I live in Sydney but I have traveled to different countries around the world. I have been to every state and territory in Australia and have experienced its natural beauty. Although I love traveling to different countries and experiencing their cultures, I always come back loving Australia even more. I feel like many Australians don't realise the beauty which is right under their noses.

Hey guys, I'm Jaylin. I'm a second year student at Macquarie University. I really like the idea of visiting new places, and trying new things, and so I'll be sharing with you my top bucket list items and other suggestions for you to consider putting on your list. 

Hey everyone, I'm Linda and I'm a student at Macquarie University. I am passionate about travelling and take every opportunity I can to discover new places. As Mark Twain famously said "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do" so I'll give almost anything a go at least once! My posts will share with you stories of previous adventures, things to still tick off my bucket list plus suggestions of places or experiences for you to add to your own list.

Hey guys, I am Graeme and am also a student from Macquarie University. I have always loved travel and have been extremely lucky to have gone to some weird and wonderful places around the world. I have always been fond of going to places where most people wouldn't think of going to. I will be giving you my tips on the most interesting unknown places around the world. 

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